Product Information

What is SOAPEX and what does it cover?

Accident Support
The Compulsory Personal Accident Insurance Caused by Motor Vehicles with Foreign Registration (SOAPEX), is the document required by Chilean law to all motor vehicles with foreign registration that enter in provisional lyperiod ly temporary to our country.

Your Coverages

Expenses for hospitalization or medical, surgical, pharmaceutical and dental care, or rehabilitation. In case of invalidity or death, it compensates the affected person or the beneficiaries, as appropriate.


Death 300 U.F.
Total Permanent Disability 300 U.F.
Permanent Partial Disability up to 200 U.F.
Medical and Hospital Expenses up to 300 U.F.

Who benefits?

Crash coverage
Indoor Sapeople

•The driver of the vehicle;
•Persons transported or passengers of the vehicle and;
•Any third party affected in an accident involving a VEHICLE insured by SOAPEX.

Beneficiaries in the event of death in order of precedence

1.The surviving spouse
2.Minor children
4.La mother of the children of nonmarital affiliation of the deceased; And
5.In the absence of the above persons, compensation shall be borne by the person who proves the quality of the heir

What to do in the event of an accident?

Coverage for mechanical problems
Step 1:
Immediately reporting after the accident in the most common police unit

The part must contain:

-Data of the vehicles involved (including patent)
-Specify all the people involved.

Step 2:

Withdraw the Police Party from the Public Prosecutor’s Office or Local Police Court as directed

Step 3:

Go to one of our branches (the owner or a third party) and make the complaint:

-Bring the police part with original doorbell.

-Submit medical expense documents next to the medical order.


-The claim must be reported to the company within one year of the
date the accident occurred.

-Payment will be made between 10 and 30 business days

-You can file other undeclared expenses at the company

We remind you that when any enquiries, you can contact us through the following means:

•By phone at 600 221 6000 or +56 2 23536225
•To our help box

What documents you must submit in
Consortium in case of:

SOAPEX policy
a) Death

  1. Death certificate proving the cause of death.
  2. Original certificate issued by the prosecution or court, or photocopy of the police part with the original bell of the prosecution or court.
  3. Birth certificate or photocopy Identity Card of the deceased.
  4. Other certificates or documents requested by the company necessary that legally prove the status of beneficiary entitled to receive compensation.

b) Reimbursement of Medical Expenses to Injured Free Choice

  1. Original ballots or invoices, bonuses, etc., proof of expenses covered by the policy.
  2. Original certificate issued by the prosecution or court, or photocopy of the police part with the original bell of the prosecution or court.
  3. Birth Certificate or photocopy of the identity card of the injured person.

c) Permanent, Total or Partial Disability Compensation

  1. Original Medical Certificate proving the nature and degree of incapacity, indicating that it has its origin in traffic accident of the insured vehicle, identifying full name and rut of the accident. This document is issued by Compin, Mutuales or AFP.
  2. Original certificate issued by the prosecution or court, or photocopy of the police part with the original bell of the prosecution or court.
  3. Other certificates or documents requested by the company necessary that legally prove the status of beneficiary entitled to receive compensation.

Why choose your SOAPEX in Consortium?

Insurer Building

•Additional services offered
•Facilities to collect insurance

How to choose?

All companies that market SOAPEX offer the same coverage, therefore the difference between one company or another depends on factors such as:

  • Privilege the price (see the prices in the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance)or the facilities to make the SOAPEX effective.
  • Facilities to collect insurance. That’s why he prefers companies that have representative offices in most of the national territory. When processing insurance this “detail” is of vital importance.
  • Additional services offered. Emergency phones or insured assistance phones that will allow better insurance benefits.
Coverages and Exclusions : The risk is covered by Compañía de Seguros Generales Consorcio Nacional de Seguros S.A., according to the general conditions incorporated into the Deposit of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance under the code POL 3 2013 0479. This information only presents a summary of the coverages, the details of these and the corresponding exclusions are found in the aforementioned policy, all of which the customer acknowledges knowing and accepting. The data or background entered is the sole responsibility of the applicant, assuming the consequences arising from errors or inaccuracies of information.
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